Tropical cocktails
the oldest cocktails in the book



Warm cocktail recipes

Hot Bullshot

Put in a mug with a big handle:

5/10 hot beef broth
3/10 Vodka
2/10 Lemon juice
1 tsp. Worcestersauce
1 tsp. Tabasco

Stir well and serve hot

Egg cocktail

Even fun to make for kids: just leave out the Rum

Put in a Shaker:

7/10 boiling Milk
2/10 Rum
1/10 liquid Vanilla extact
1 Egg yoke
1 tbsp. Sugar

Shake well in a shaker cover with a towel, so you will not burn your hands. Serve hot in glasses with a handle.


Apple toddy

Mix the following ingredients and keep this mix 3 days in the refrigerator:

100 gr. apple-compote
2 dl. Cognac
1 dl. peache liqueur (Crème de peche)

Just before serving, add 2 tbsp. of compote.

Add boiling water and decorate with a slice of lemon.

Cherry Wine (6 persons)

Pour in pan:

250 gr. cherries in syrup
20 lumps of sugar
1 bottle of dry white wine

Boil over low heat for 20 minutes and serve warm in heat resistant glasses.

Sunset Tea

This fragrant cocktail is best made from a strong tea.

Pour into a pan:

2 dl. black tea
1 cl. Rum (Amber)
4 cl. Cointreau
8 cl. Orange Juice

Warm until boil and serve with a slice of orange and cloves.

Choco punch

Half Cocktail, half dessert: this cocktail is great in the freezing winter.

Put in a pan:

1,5 dl Milk
2 tsp. cocoa powder
1 tsp. instant coffee
1 tsp. sugar
4 cl. coffee liqueur

Make warm over low heat. Stir well and serve before boils. Cover with a thin layer of whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.


Tom and Jerry

An ancient type of energy drink

Put in a large, heat resistant glass:

1 egg yoke (keep the egg white)
6/10 Rum
4/10 Cognac
1 tsp. Sugar
1/2 tsp. Pepper
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon

Stir well and add the egg white. Add boiling water and sprinkle with nutmeg.

Anice special

Put in a heat resistant glass:

4 cl. Cognac
2 cl. Pastis
1 tsp. Sugar
1 pinch of Cinnamon
1 large cup of hot, black coffee

Stir and serve hot.

<- other warm cocktail recipies

More cocktails based on: | Gin | Vodka | Tequila | Rum | Whisky | Calvados | Cognac | Vermouth | Port | Anise drinks & bitters | Liqueurs | Wine | Champagne | Beer | warm cocktails |